since we have our assignment 3 back, after we proceed to to either discrepancy model, what exactly do we need to do? Where does it end? task analysis? Or just like the assignement 3, we need to list out our objectives during the 3-face assesment model and rank it according to subordinate or superordinate relationships? or do we have to begin the learning design ?
For example, this is the discrepancy model. Step 1: List the goals of the instructional system. Step 2: Determine how well the indentified goals are already being achieved. Step 3: Determine the performance gap. Step 4: Prioritize gaps according to agreed-upon criteria. Step 5: Determine which gaps are instructional needs and which are most appropriate for design and development of instruction.
After we finish step 5, what are the things we should do? have to find that out~~~